Michael L. Holland Attorney At Law


Please contact the law office of Michael L. Holland for initial consultation. Experienced Representation is just a phone call away. 
[This article is for informational purposes only and is not to be considered legal advice. For more information please contact our office and ask to speak with the attorney.]

(713) 522-4242 

Can I plan ahead and avoid probate?

Yes. Some of my clients elect to have us help them position their assets in a way that allows them to continue to enjoy the benefits of all they have, but in such a manner that avoids the need for probate after their death. Probate usually cost your loved ones money and time – and usually at a time when they are overcome from the grief of losing you.

Some of our clients, approach us asking for help in setting up their estate in order to save their loved ones the necessity of probate. It makes perfect sense. Factors in determining whether to plan to avoid probate depends on a number of considerations – such as health, age, and the assets you own. If you are 40 years old or more, you may want to do some planning to avoid probate. Call me at (713) 522-4242 for your free probate assessment. Call me at (713) 522-4242 if you have questions, I will be happy to answer them at no charge. If you need me to help you create a Will or to probate a Will or help with any type of probate matter, I will schedule a free initial consultation with you to begin the process.

(713) 522-4242